02 March 2007

St David's Day

A day late I know, but I was at uni with the presentation yesterday (the waffle god was with me, hoorah!), then Brownies, then Phil's birthday... Anyway, HAPPY ST DAVID'S DAY!!!

My Brownies enjoyed the day of daffodils (they didn't much enjoy the leek and potato soup, more fool them!). Did you know that you are allowed to wear your Brownie (or Guide/Scout/Beaver/Cub) uniform to school on Saint's Days? Nope, neither did I!


Liz Hinds said...

Lovely daffs ... and are those brownies as sweet and good as they look?

Clare said...

Those are the photos of the cuties - the top photo is of the three smallest (except the new one who refused to have her photo taken and looked generally terrified of me).

The daffs were supposed to be yellow with orange middles, but because I wasn't there to supervise them when they started they ended up orange!

bananatree said...

I never did quite know why we were allowed to wear our Brownie uniform to school on 'Thinking Day'. Got a feeling it was the same day as St George's Day...

Clare said...

you're allowed to wear Brownie uniform on Patron Saint's Days - so George, David, Patrick and Andrew (does anyone ever remember St Andrew's day??) not sure if you're allowed to wear it on Thinking Day round here, not sure the schools are that "in tune" with Guiding. Equally I don't know why you're allowed to wear your uniform on Saints days...But they do!