16 September 2007

Photo Hunt - Plastic

Bit slow this week, and a bit of a random photo!

This is my desk chair in my bedroom. I bought it primarily because it is pink...however, it is also very uncomfortable if you sit in it for a long time, which I have been doing recently due to my thesis being due! Anyway, a plastic chair for the photo hunt!


Queen of My Domain said...

I like your pink plastic chair. It's doesn't look like it would be comfortable to sit in for long periods of time though.

Corey~living and loving said...

yup....looks pretty but not comfy for sure! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pink!!!!!!! Great taste, sorry about the sore butt due to the thesis. Good luck with it!!!!

Julie Shaw said...

why would you buy an uncomfortable chair??

Paulie said...

I think it is kinda kewl for a plastic chair -- love the pink! How about sewing a pink cushion to sit on and maybe even one to lean against?

Before you get to sewing that, coem and visit my entry. Got mine up early but it takes a lot of time to get to 200 entries!

changeiam said...

That's a lovely plastic chair but as you said sure looks uncomfortable for long hour of usage and I understand the feeling of having your thesis due. Good luck with that. Here's my plastic

Anonymous said...

Wow that is definately pink and plastic!!