12 September 2006

Let's go fly a kite....

"With tuppence for paper and string, you can have your own set of wings" - Dick Van Dyke
I rediscovered my childhood this weekend with Phil, on top of Butser Hill, Hants. We decided, after the gale force winds last weekend that we'd go and fly his kite somewhere. Unfortunately it was not very windy on Sunday, but not to be discouraged, we went to the top of Butser, which was the highest point we could think of.
Now, Phil's kite is nice, and sort of triangular, and a lot more professional than the last kite I remember, a plastic one from Thorpe Park, which I think we broke in about 10 minutes. However, in comparison to the other kites flying that day we had definite "Kite Envy". There were some there that were as big as tents, I swear!
Having said that, it was probably best that we had a little kite, cos I haven't flown one since...well, I don't remember. And consequently, I have discovered another sport I am completely rubbish at! With some expert tutition from Phil however, I improved, and could keep the kite in the sky for some time, though he had to stand behind me and stop me from waving my arms around....
I tried to take some photos to illustrate this blog, but none of them are very good. I found this on flickr though, which is a beautiful photo, and also much much better than any of my attempts!


Chris said...

This brings back a memory of taking Peter, when aged about 8 or 9, to fly a kite at Beachy Head. The higher it got, the more he cowered and cried. He didn't like it.

PS Don't tell him I told you this - he gets embarrassed at childhood memories of mine.

PPS Oops I forgot - we're on t'internet aren't we??

Clare said...

Oh bless that's so cute.

We had a crazy dog come and join us, thinking that this red and blue flying thing was a great game, and was bounding up and down chaing the kite. The people walking it apologised profusely, and said it wasn't their dog, so they didn't know it didn't like kites!

Personally I think he liked the kite, and just wanted to play...