09 October 2006

Blogger survey

In my recent perusal of blogs, mainly found through links off other people's blogs (for example, Chris's from Pete's, Liz's from Chris's), I have decided that there is a definite trend in the interests of bloggers. Of course, this is probably rubbish, and I have probably just read people's I like because they have similar interests to me, and to each other.But nonetheless, I am going to publish my theory...

"Bloggers are often people who are involved in creative works, either aspiring writers, or avid film/theatre goers, etc..."

I am doing a small survey on the amount of people involved in blogging (not just on Blogger), who are writers (in particular). I think I can name about 5 blogs of people who are aspiring authors, or indeed, involved in writing for a career already. Similarly, I know people who are actors/directors (amateur or otherwise), who blog.

I'm just nosey really, and it's more interesting than reading about neurons!

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

I'm with you on the 'more interesting than reading about neurons' bit!

I agree that blogging is a natural outlet for aspiring writers or creative sorts generally. Keeping a diary is one thing but with blogging you know there is a faint chance that someone will read (and want to read more of) something you have written.

Blogging is very addictive though!